Welcome to OceanReefGallery. I have always felt peace and comfort in the water. I spent most of my summers in lakes growing up in the mid-west. My eyes were truly opened to the incredible beauty of the underwater world when I did my first SCUBA dive in the Caribbean in 1988. Since then, I have had the privilege to travel much of the world exploring and trying to capture the beauty through underwater photography.

Although I am back living in the Midwest for now, I was fortunate enough to experience living on islands, teaching SCUBA diving, and working on my underwater photography for several years. I intend to take the next several years exploring more of the world looking for the next place to call home.

Thank you for visiting OceanReefGallery. I hope you enjoy the photos. Please send any comments and let me know what you think.

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Ocean Reef Gallery

All information and images on this website are copyright of the photographer. They are not to be used without the photographer's permission.

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